A Scientist's Creed

The scientific principle is that
If a theory disagrees with experiment then it is wrong.

Derivable from this is that
Mathematics is the language in which theories are written, and
The assumptions of a theory must be testable by experiment, and
The the corpus of human knowledge is understandable through the scientific method.

Furthermore, my priors have established several theories through experiment which I have studied critically.
I believe that Newton's Laws will always hold when is not concerned with the very small or very large or very fast.
I believe that Lagrangian Mechanics is a more efficient way to do Newtonian calculations in complex systems.
I believe that Quantum Mechanics holds for things which are very small.
I believe Relativity holds for things which are moving very fast.
I believe Quantum field theory describes things which are both very small and at high energies.
I believe Maxwell's Equations describe electromagnetism at large scales while Quantumelectrodynamics adds validity for the atomic and subatomic scale.
I believe that all biological processes happen through chemical reactions.
I believe quantum mechanics gives a good description of these reactions.
I believe that organisms often organize themselves into societies which eventually supplant those organisms as organisms themselves.
I believe reality exists apart from my perception of it.
I believe a great many things, but that faith is always tempered by experiment.
I can have no faith in the untested or the untestable.
My temple is the lab, the library, and the forest where I probe to gain a greater understanding of the Truth.

Obvious, such a creed is tailorable to the individual so that everyone's creed would be somewhat different based on their particular knowledge. The first stanza would, perhaps, be all that binds us all, but hopefully the second stanza would be acceptable to most as well. I have also left out quite a bit that is important, but specific to our planet rather than generally true so far as we know (Plate tectonics, DNA, etc).

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Last Modified 23 January 2021 by Bradley James Wogsland.