Garden Startin'

This is a blog of happenings in my family, with my kids, and with the politics of the world. If you don't get satire you should probably stop reading right now. I tend to ramble on, and on, and on...
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26 February 2012

Well, it's getting to that part of the year where there are more warm days than cold ones. Ergo, today I spent the afternoon outside firing the garden:

Maxwell & Zara came out to help and lamented the lack of marshmellows in the cabinet. With the land cleared, I took stock of the situation. There were 4 carrots left, so I pulled them up and ate them with Alora & Brittan. They were more spicy than sweet and much less bland than the ones I pulled last fall. The oregano also wintered well. It has increased it's spread under the leaves and the sprigs I chew are still good and potent. The potato hills which didn't have large enough potatoes to harvest last year still have little potatoes in them. The spearmint has mostly died back, but I'm sure it will come back with a vengeance when it warms up a bit more.

Tonight Alora & I went to the Tractor Supply to see what we could plant this early. I was hoping to find some onions. We found alot more! We got sweet onions, red onions, garlic, shallots, asparagus and some grapevines. I got American vines rather than grafted ones and I picked 3 Niagara vines which have already gone through budbreak. Alora really wanted to get a Concord to, but no budbreak on that one yet. I approach the grape growing with much less confidence than 4 years ago, when I tried to grow Zinfandel and ended up with just 8 sticks in the yard.

I've also added a Gardening Index of all the various blogs I've done on plantspace over the years. Enjoy!

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Last modified on 16 March 2012 by Bradley James Wogsland.
Copyright © 2012 Bradley James Wogsland. All rights reserved.