2016 Blog Index

If you care to comment, email me at bradley@wogsland.org. All links are good on the day of posting, but you know how some tend to die after a while.
Running: Rock 'n Roll Marathon Training

December 2016

27 - Tibetan Buddhism
26 - After Christmas
22 - Schroedinger's Cat
21 - Sol Invictus
18 - Cold Snap!
15 - December

November 2016

29 - First First Author
24 - Dancing Fool
15 - Triggered
11 - Silencio
10 - President Elect Trump
7 - 11
3 - À Tout le Monde
1 - A Still More Glorious Dawn Awaits

Oktober 2016

October Game

31 - Finsternis
29 - Grant Jonny Xena Avery Ellie
27 - Glenn Beck
25 - Question
24 - Ultra Dreams
13 - Painters Artists And Thieves
9 - PR
6 - Mess
4 - Life is an Addiction
3 - October Game

September 2016

30 - Remembering Life is LARPing
29 - Cool Weather
27 - Allein
25 - Social Media Is Horrible
24 - Drought Backpacking
21 - New Job Soon?
18 - Who Am I?
13 - Jobhunting Again
12 - The Voyage Home
11 - Backpacking
10 - Backpacking
9 - München til Oslo
8 - Bayreuth
7 - Through the Alps
6 - Nach Deutschland
5 - Vigeland Pokéwalk & Shopping Valkeriegata
4 - Sixth Day i Norge
3 - i Telemark
2 - i Oslo med Brittan
1 - Third Day i Norge

August 2016

Brittan's European Tour

31 - Second Day i Norge
30 - Oslo Harbor & Akershus Festning
29 - Flight to Oslo
19 - Double Rainbow
15 - First Seven Languages
14 - First Seven Jobs
14 - Panera
13 - Tomato Art Fest
10 - Nineteen Years
5 - Rollerblading Atlanta
4 - Chrome 52, Or the Life and Death of a Bug
3 - Reboot
1 - August Monday

July 2016

30 - Lost Journal
24 - In Atlanta With Alora
22 - Passport
21 - Last Night No Kids
20 - Parents' Week
17 - Moving Alora to Atlanta
15 - Camp Songs
10 - St. Louis Zoo
9 - Missouri Botanical Gardens
7 - Zara Turns 11
4 - The Responsibility Glitch
3 - BlackBerry

June 2016

21 - My Cara
19 - My Dad
17 - Tinder Experiment
15 - Milling a Crown
11 - Mammoth Cave Campground
11 - Falls of the Ohio
10 - Feuer!
10 - Brown Recluses Everywhere
9 - Not Alaska
8 - Breakfast Quesadilla
2 - The Third Wave
1 - The Three-Body Problem

May 2016

22 - MBC Graduation
21 - Why Aren't the Beatles on the Radio Anymore?
18 - Fifth Grade Skate Night
14 - Lost Boy
14 - Strawberry Festival
13 - Vanderbilt Graduation
11 - Lean Startup
9 - Spring Band Concert
8 - Happy Mother's Day
3 - Afternoon Sencha
2 - Satoshi Nakamoto
1 - Marathon Finished

April 2016

26 - Brittan's Senior Chemistry Poster
23 - French Fry Cutter
19 - The Emperor of All Maladies
15 - Aspen Grove Flowers
14 - Podcasts
13 - The Node Ecosystem
9 - Daddy Daughter Dance
8 - Archery
8 - SAT Registration is Broken
7 - Rogue One Trailer
4 - Morning Commute, New Office, Back to Vlogging?
3 - Maxwell's Ancestry Project Interview
3 - Charlie Escaped!

March 2016

27 - South Cumberland State Park
27 - Seveneves
18 - Horseshoe Crabs & Velvet Worms
17 - SDKrazy
16 - Election Politics
8 - Change is in the Air

February 2016

25 - Slack
21 - Recovery
19 - Why You Should Publish Release Notes
9 - Why Aren't You Using Composer Already!?!
9 - The Drunken Botanist
7 - PyTennessee

January 2016

23 - River Otter
22 - Snow Mermaid, Snow Angel
22 - Blizzard Run
16 - Papers We Love
9 - Cummin's Falls
8 - Loss: Ray's Wedding Pics
3 - Winter Holiday Pictures
3 - Land and Wine

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Last Modified: 1 January 2017 by Bradley James Wogsland.
Copyright © 2017 Bradley James Wogsland. All rights reserved.